Name & Address Telephone & Fax Number, E-mail, Web Address
Master Feed Agrotec Limited (MFAL)

Novel House, 137 (8th Floor), Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217

Tel: +88-02-58317115

Fax: +88-02-58317116



Incorporation Incorporated as Private Limited Company on June 20, 2011 & vide reg. no. C-93642/11
Converted Public Limited Company October 15, 2018
Commencement of Commercial Operation February 01, 2015
Registered & Head Office Novel House, 137 (8th Floor), Shantinagar, Dhaka-1217
Factory Feed & Poultry

(R & D)

Shemultola, Sonabo, Boldighat, Sreepur, Gazipur
Fisheries & Poultry Akramnagar, Middlebagga, Subarnachar, Noakhali
Nature of Business Master Feed Agrotec Limited is one of the feeds producing companies in Bangladesh, engaged in producing feed for poultry, fish and cattle. The Principal activities of this Company are manufacturing and marketing of poultry feed, fish feed, cattle feed and also engage farming Poultry and Fish.
Back ground of the Company The company namely “Master Hatchery and Poultry Feed Limited” was incorporated on 20th June, 2011 vide registration No.C‐93642/11 as a private limited company in Bangladesh under the Companies Act, 1994 and converted as a public limited company vide EGM dated 15 October 2018. The Company changed its name through special resolution and with due approval of the Registrar of Joint Stock of Companies and Firms from “Master Hatchery and Poultry Feed Limited” to “Master Feed Agrotec Limited.” on 01 July, 2018.