The share holding position of the Company as on June 30, 2022 is as under:

Pursuant to the regulation 32(2) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (Listing of Small Capital Companies) Regulations 2019, we hereby submit the report regarding Free Float Holding as per following format:

  1. Name of the Issuer : Master Feed Agrotec Limited
  2. Applicable Month : June,2022
  3. Total Paid-Up Capital : 671,505,000
  4. of Total Paid-Up Shares               : 67,150,500
  5. % of Paid-up Capital Held By:
  6. Director : 38.94
  7. Government : 0.00
  8. Institution : 15.19
  9. Foreign Company : 0.00
  10. General Public : 45.87
  11. Details of shareholding/unit holding sponsors/directors:
SL Name Status (Sponsor/



Nominated Director/

Independent Director/


No.of shares held as on end of the Month %of total no. of paid up securities as on  end of the month No.of shares increased/ decreased during May 2022 [A-B] Reason for changes  
Reporting month

June- 2022(A)

Previous month


Reporting month June-2022 Previous month May-2022
1 Asma akter Sumie Chairman 26,00,000 26,00,000 3.87 3.87 0
2 Md.Kabir Hossain Managing  Director 14,750,000 14,750,000 21.97 21.97 0
3 Rafiqul Alam Director 7,050,000 7,050,000 10.50 10.50 0
4 Shahida Akter sumi Director 1,750,000 1,750,000 2.61 2.61 0
5 Sheikh Karimuzzaman Independent Director 0 0 0 0 0  
6 Mohammed Salim Independent Director 0 0 0 0 0  
    TOTAL 26,150,000 26,150,000 38.94 38.94